Dear Brian and Lilah,
You are EIGHT and FIVE! How is this even possible? You are not longer babies, although my first class at Villa could tell you a thing or two about how you will always be babies to me, no matter your age :)
You've had to grow up a lot this year. It's been a difficult year for all of us.
Brian had to switch schools this year. Brian you did SO WELL figuring out your new school and making some new friends. I'm sure we will always remember this year you spent at St. Joe. You were very blessed to have such a kind, loving teacher in Mrs. Stolz. You and your little girlfriend Sophie have been entertaining to watch. I think you are a perfect match honestly....she's a remarkable combination of you and Lilah which makes you work well together. It's too bad you met her when you were 7! Who knows, maybe someday you'll end up together ;) There's a huge part of me that is sad that I have to make you switch schools AGAIN this year, but then there's this other part of me that knows having you close to me is what our family needs.
Lilah finished her time at St. Pats this year! It's hard to believe that your time there will be likely lost deep in your memories sweet girl! You've been going to St. Pats, either as my sidekick or as a student, for your entire life! I cannot believe my last baby is going to Kindergarten! But I'm so glad you will be with me at St. Henry!
Right after school started this year, our lives took a big turn. I know how much you both miss Pappy because you tell me everyday. You will never know how much it has helped me to have both of you shining light into the darkness our family has felt with him gone. You have both made me stronger because I had to help you grieve. Your insightful and kind hearts have been a blessing to us all.
As we approach Lilah's 5th birthday tomorrow, we are once again living in a world of uncertainty with Nana so sick. You have continued to be strong and brave as this story has unfolded and as you have become more aware of what is going on. I admire you bravery and I am grateful for your innocence.
This year has marked many milestones for you both. Brian joined the Boy Scouts and Lego Club. He also WOWED everyone with his mad piano skills at his recital this past spring! Brian I think you are getting closer to finding things you enjoy and I'm so happy for that! Brian you continue to be an incredibly hard-worker, a deep-thinker, a wonderful reader and a kind and helpful big brother. Some days I could do without the attitude you've developed, but most days I enjoy your laughter and you spunk...even when you are laughing at me instead of with me!

Lilah completed her 2nd year of dance and her first year of soccer. She has also recently started piano...can't let that big brother get too far ahead! I'm not sure sports will be your path, either little girl, but I appreciate the effort. You are certainly musical though...I don't know many 5 year olds who can move their hips like you do! I am guessing we will be headed toward the stage with you in some form or fashion. Lilah you have always amazed me with your feisty personality, your undeniable charm, your fearlessness and your obvious intelligence. You are so wise beyond your years that I have to remind myself at times that you are still very small. And like your brother, I could really do without the attitude...although that's not a recent development...but I try to remind myself that you will show the world that you were raised to believe you can breath fire if you feel the need. Nothing and no one will ever stand in your way!

I love you both more than I could ever describe. I am so lucky to have you both in my life and with each passing year I become more grateful and more aware of just how lucky I am.
Happy Birthday, my babies!