One of my friends has an excellent blog about her two boys, and since I love reading it, I decided to try my hand at this. I am a new stay at home mom with the sweetest 5 month old baby boy...Brian Thomas. I was a teacher for 6 years in the Catholic school system and LOVED it. When we decided to have a baby, I had every intention of going back to work once my maternity leave ended. I promised the kids at school I would be back, promised my principal, and managed to convince myself that this would happen. No one could have convinced me otherwise.
Then Brian was born. His delivery was pretty rough. He was induced and it was a long night. The doctor ended up having to use forceps to get him out. The day after he was born he failed his newborn hearing test and the pediatrician noticed a cephalahematoma (big bump on his head from the forceps). We were assured that both were no big deal and that all was well. We left the hospital on day two and I was feeling pretty okay. Brian was born on a Tuesday, by Sunday my condition had drastically deteriorated. By Monday morning, I could barely sit. It turns out I had developed a pretty serious infection, which I finally recovered for in early August. Somewhere during my illness, we found out that it was indeed a big deal that Brian had failed his hearing screening, and he in fact had a minor hearing loss. This is still somewhat unresolved as the ENT isn't so sure he does, so we are awaiting more tests later this month.
All of that combined with the amazing love that comes with being a Mom forced me to make the difficult decision to stay at home. So hives and all (I was really nervous) I went to school and broke the news to my principal who could not have been more supportive about my decision. I thought I might be bored, but I can honestly say that I'm not. I have taken on a part time job where I "babysit" for three teenagers when they get out of school each day. It's an awesome job for many reasons, but mostly because I love the three kids (I taught all of them) and because I can take Brian with me!
I'm not really sure what I want this blog to be. The friend mentioned above chronicles the events of her boys' lives. When they do something funny, or impressive, or something challenging happens, she posts about it. We'll see if I can even keep up with blogging:) I'd like to try though!