For the past 3 days Brian and I have slept until about 9:30! It's been awesome. Each of these mornings, I have gotten him out of his crib for his 6 or 6:30 feeding and after, I have brought him into our bed to sleep on my shoulder. I know you're not supposed to do this, but he sleeps so well in his crib I'm not afraid of screwing up his sleeping habits at this point! It is the best sleep ever to have such a sweet baby nestled on your shoulder. I love hearing him breath and even the drool that makes a puddle on my pjs! So sweet!
This particular morning I went to get him out of his crib at about six a.m. because he was whining in his sleep. I was worried he was having a bad dream, so I thought some cuddling might calm him. He continued to whine some while he slept in our bed, but I was able to calm him by nursing him and simply rubbing his back. I can't even imagine a better feeling that being able to reassure and calm your child. He's so wonderful. The best part is when he wakes up and like a little turtle, pulls his head up and looks at me so curiously. And then he smiles. He has the best smile. It absolutely melts my heart.