I have been busy. You may have guessed since I haven't posted on the blog in a week-a really long time for me. I have taken on a new job. It doesn't start until July 1, but already I've been in meetings, and on the phone. A lot. You may ask, how does a stay at home Mom take on another job? The answer is the best answer of all-Brian gets to come with me!
Fr. Jeff called a few weeks ago with a proposition for me. He asked me to be the new Director of the Pre-School at his parish, St. Patricks. As he described the job to me, I was in shock. I was not looking for anything like this. I am really, really happy staying at home with Brian. I like watching the Bantas after school. It's been a great year. I told Father I would have to talk to Shawn and my family and think (and pray) about it.
Over that weekend I kept tossing around pros and cons. I was having a really hard time thinking of cons. The pre-school is open 2 hours each day during the week. The current situation is that it has been run a bit unprofessionally over the past two years and Father is looking for someone qualified to come in and help to correct the problems. So, I would get to USE my administrative training, and expose Brian to 3 and 4 year olds learning and socializing 5 days a week. How great is that?
Not to mention I had been spending a lot of time worrying about the cost of hearing aids. Even though we know now that we may not need them, a few weeks ago, I was buried in worry over the expensive prospect that we might. And we still might. This call from Father Jeff made all of that worry go away. Honestly, it was probably as close as I'll ever come to having God call me on the phone. It was like he said, "here's your hearing aid money." Crazy. We spent a lot of time in Catholic school listening to talks on vocations. The priests and nuns who spoke always talked about how if we were meant to do something for God, we would get a call and we would know when it happened that it was the right thing to do. This call from Fr. Jeff felt very much like that call to me.
And can I even put into words what Fr. Jeff means to me and to my family. He is the most wonderful, amazing man. Could there be a better boss?
Oh, and given the pre-school is a morning activity, I can still take care of the Bantas next year. I could never abandon my boys in their first year of high school.
Are you hearing any cons here? I'm sure there are some, but they seem to be few and far between. So, I took the job. And that's why I've been so busy. I'm really excited about this new opportunity! I'm also really grateful for it. We Borchardts are truly blessed.