Brian got a shot on Wednesday. Two actually. The antibiotic dose was so much that he had to get on in each cheek. And since we all know how well he does with medicine orally, we opted for the shots. Do you know that kid was more upset about the band-aids than the shots?! He really is a nutter. He has an ear infection in his left ear. The one without the tube. It wasn't that bad, but the
pedi went ahead and treated it for me since he's been so sick and his fever was staying around 102 even during the day.
pedi said to just let him run a fever unless it got to 105, so we bought some
tylenol suppositories just in case and let it run it's course. His fever was very low grade this morning-99 degrees, so we headed off to speech.
He an awesome speech class again this week! The speech therapist is so pleased and I am too. He's really talking so much more and so much more clearly. There are still things I don't understand, but it's getting to be less frequent.
Lilah decided to have a big week. Her first tooth (bottom left) is on it's way in. There's just the little slit where it will come in right now. I am so sad! Still nursing so OUCH and I will miss her baby gummy smile.
She also decided to start army crawling yesterday. I actually think she was doing it some the day before, but I couldn't catch her. Brian is not pleased that she can now reach any of his toys he leaves around. Ha! Maybe he'll start cleaning up his stuff. Double ha!
We have a big weekend ahead. Not going to disclose what just in case anyone who doesn't know is reading, but we will post about it next week. I just hope we make it around the crazy weather!
Monday is Lilah's
ENT appointment with Brian's
ENT. We are going to go ahead and take him to as his follow up is scheduled for March 13
th. I am hoping Dr.
Arjmand will take pity on me and go ahead and look in Brian's ear.
IEP meeting has been scheduled also. It's March 12
th. I was beginning to think he would never get speech services in school this year, but it's looking like that may happen very soon! My aunt Norma is flying in for the meeting. She's been through enough of these, and we are so excited to see her and grateful for her help! Thanks to Bob too for rescheduling his business trip so she can come!!