Most of his other new skills have to do with his new found mobility. He's still not crawling,
His newest skill is that he can transition from sitting to a crawling position without wiping out (more often than not). And I can't forget to mention that he's also trying like crazy to pull up. Most mom's will relate not ever being allowed to go to the bathroom alone and I'm no exception. Brian's favorite place to attempt pulling up is the toilet! He usually sneaks at least a try or two while I wash my hands. Crazy kid!
Brian has also become much more vocal recently (if that were possible). He's definitely saying "ma" although he's not directing it at anyone in particular, and in the past couple of days, I've even been hearing "dah" (long a, not short) which is close to "da," but closer to "ma" still. We've been hearing a whole slew of blends, ow, aw. And one of his favorite things to do is stick his fingers in his mouth and run them back and forth like a crazy person while making all sorts of sounds. It's kind of like when people are trying to sound like an Indian and they smack their mouth with their hand, except his hands go in his mouth so there's a lot more spit involved!
Meal time has turned into quite an adventure with Brian lately. I must thank Josh for reminding Brian how fun it is to razz. Every since he and Jen visited a few weeks ago, Brian has been razzing like it's his job. Unfortunately this doesn't stop when it comes time to eat. Ask Nana about the carrot incident at Kenwood. She'll confirm that most of the carrots did not end up in Brian's belly! Try the bib, on me, on Nana, on the table, etc. Fun times!
Finally, Brian's hair is suddenly growing like crazy. He's all Shawn except for his hair. He definitely has my hair! It's sort of strawberry blond and definitely has my frizz. We were worried that the helmet would stunt his hair growth, or maybe even give him a bald spot, but so far that doesn't seem to be the case. Speaking of the helmet, we have an appointment with the Plagiocephaly Clinic at Children's Main tomorrow. They will be evaluating the progress he's made with the helmet thus far. I will post a new blog after the appointment with some pictures I took of his head shape before the helmet and some that I took today. I think you'll notice a huge improvement!
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