Today we were prepared.
We left at 12:30p.m. We weren't meeting friends until 4:30 and it's no more than a 90 minute drive. However, by leaving at 12:30 we ensured that Brian's nap would fall right into our drive time. The plan worked! Too well in fact. Brian was still asleep when we arrived and slept all the way through Shawn's trip into Kroger.
He woke up on the way to Northpoint where we made a quick stop to visit Grammy Donna. Brian had never met Donna, and we wanted to make sure to wish her a Merry Christmas!
After our visit, we headed to campus to visit the library. It's big. We figured Brian could use up some energy in there. We had a blast! There are lots of places to hide and chase. The elevators go really fast. I am certain the other patrons of the library did not appreciate our distraction, but finals are over so BOO on them.
We made it to dinner around 4:45p.m. Here's a cute picture I managed to get of Brian and Maggie.
Dinner was fun, even though Maggie ended up wearing her honey mustard sauce. NOT her fault. The server dumped it on her. Luckily there was a strategically placed yellow stripe in almost the right spot on her new sweater.
After dinner, we walked down to Graeters and enjoyed some ice cream. Very appropriate given the weather, as Kristal pointed out, but who cares? Graeters is yummy!
Our plan for the trip back was to entertain Brian with Christmas videos on my laptop. He really seemed to enjoy "Frosty the Snowman" and "Rudolph" at the preschool over the past couple of weeks, so Shawn downloaded them onto my machine. I sat in the back with the laptop perched on my knees, and except for an occasional struggle over who got to hold the laptop (between me and Brian, not me and Shawn), and the wrong version of Rudolph being downloaded...two viewings of Frosty later, we made it home with a happy baby and our sanity.
We're getting better at this!
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