Thursday, July 7, 2011

5 Days!!!

Just a quick update...5 days and Lilah will be here!! WOW!

Tuesday as doc day...

First up...speech therapy. Jess said Brian's best session ever. Unfortunately no speech next week...she has CPR training. Anyway, he is doing quite a bit better. Still not where he should be, but he's definitely improving! Ruben got his drain tube out. It was one continuous tube, not two like I thought. I had to hold him while they clipped his stitches and slid the thing out. Yuck! He was shaking like a leaf, but otherwise handled it like a champ. He has to go back Saturday to get the rest of the stitches removed. Tonight is his first night with no canned dog food. We'll see how he does. He was not a happy camper when I filled his bowl with dry food. He finishes his antibiotic tomorrow. His wound is healing and itching like crazy. Yucky scabs are forming and falling off. Ick. LAST OB appointment. Everything was right on track. I had them check me just so I could breathe a little easier knowing I wasn't going to go before Tuesday. I was only a finger tip dilated (such a gross term), so I left reassured. Whit came along and got to hear Miss Lilah's heartbeat! We walked into the waiting room just as the Casey Anthony verdict was being given. I guess that's an interesting, "where were you..." In an OB office that was dead silent because everyone wanted to hear the outcome. The receptionist was even holding up the phone to whomever she was making an appointment for so she could hear!

We also went to zoo on Tuesday to take flowers for Kimba and Tessa. Poor baby Zuri.

The rest of this week has been (and will be) just a whirlwind of getting things ready for Lilah. The preschool is in good hands, most errands have been run, tomorrow I will be packing for the hospital, Saturday we get our king sized bed....we're almost ready for go time!

I do have pics on the camera which I will upload and post over the weekend. I still have my 36.5 week belly shot on there and we will be taking the last one 38.5 (a little late) tomorrow! Time is flying!!

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