I did start driving again yesterday, so I feel like we have regained some independence. Unfortunately I have to use the stairs to get to and from the car, so trips will be limited. And I honestly don't where I would go alone with these two right now. Especially when I can't lift Brian or Lilah in her car seat for another 3 weeks.
Brian continues to love on and dote upon his baby sister.
(My former students can tell you how well I deal with eye ball rolling. Not well!)
He has become much louder, which I could do without and he has had at least one melt down per day for the past several days. Not tantrums really. Meltdowns...in which he is reduced to a sobbing puddle on the floor and can't gain composure. It's pathetic and I feel really sorry for him. However, I am at a loss for what to do for him other than just continue loving him and giving him as much positive attention as possible.
Lilah is getting big! She eats a lot and has many, many fat rolls. She is in size 1 diapers already (not newborn) and 0-3 month clothing fits much better than the newborn clothing at this point. In fact I went ahead and packed the newborn things away. So sad.
We continue to have great help. I look forward to a time when I can handle it all myself, but right now I am very grateful for my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and former students who have all pitched in.
School starts very soon, and I am nervous about how that will go. I will have to figure out a way to do my job with two kiddos in the office and Brian is going to start going to school-yet another adjustment for him. I know it will be good for him and he will enjoy it though. We continue to work through potty training issues in hopes that he will be fully trained by the time school starts. We went to the Open House last weekend and he was so excited to go and wear his backpack! He even peed on the potty right away when I told him he had to to be able to go to school. I really hope he cooperates at the preschool. He stands to gain so much from attending!
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