Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mish Mash of Pictures

These pictures don't really have a common theme-except that they are of my sweet little babies, but I wanted to make sure to get them up anyway!

And while I am on here, have you ever seen the movie Napoleon? Not Napoleon Dynamite, just Napoleon? Brian stumbled across it on regular tv this week and it's his new obsession. Worst. Movie. Ever. It's about a golden retriever puppy and a bird. He loves it. We had to go to Blockbuster today and rent it to avoid a major melt down. Brian woke up sick and we had to stay home from school. I am thinking croup. Awesome. I am hoping he gets over both the illness and this terrible movie quickly. I am loosing brain cells by watching it. Seriously.

Okay, onto the cute pictures...

Brian in a box.

Lilah in her bath.
Big girl...almost rolling and really holding that head up well!

Helping Daddy put the bouncer together for Miss Lilah.

More outside pictures. I just love 'em!

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