Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lilah, 18 Months

Lilah turned 18 months old this month.  Her doctor's visit was standard.  She cried because they made her get on the baby scale.  It's the last time she will have to though.  She's a big girl now and can be weighed on the adult scale. 

Her stats are as follows:

Height:  33inches, 85th percentile
Weight: 25 lbs 13.5 oz, 85th percentile

She has almost all of her teeth.  Her pointy ones are on their way in...ouch!  And two year molars will be next.  I scheduled her first visit with the dentist for July.  I was making Brian's appointment, so I just scheduled them both.  She's getting so big!

She talks a lot.  She can repeat nearly everything.  She says several 2-3 word sentences.  She knows lots of animal sounds and body parts.

She is still a smiley, happy girl who demands attention and gets it from just about everyone she meets.  She is bossy and knows how to get what she wants.  She still gives those looks that could kill.  I imagine she always will.  She reeks of attitude!  She can be so, so sweet too when she wants to be.   Oh how I love that baby girl!

Lilah with her two new favorite "babies."  My old (much loved) dolls-Pinky and Phyllis!

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Oh my goodness!!! Phyllis!!! I remember her :) Lilah IS getting so big. Time sure does fly. Sorry to have missed you over the holidays. Will be back in town this summer.