Friday, January 16, 2015


The start of our year has been tumultuous at best. We have had two deaths and a birth, a visit to the doctor for Lilah, several health related issues with my employees, oh AND there's this little event for the preschool I put together every year coming up on Saturday night for about 250 people.  It's no wonder I could barely move my neck yesterday.  Stress much? 

The most stressful event by far though was that birth that I mentioned above.  Our "nephew" Parker was born on Monday, the 5th and I cannot adequately put into words how much of a hot mess I was waiting for his arrival.  I had no idea how severely births affected me until his. I mean I knew that I was always a wreck waiting to hear the results of a new born hearing screener for any baby born...I'm probably the only person who visits a new mom and immediately asks about the results of this screener.  However, I am clearly traumatized by my own experience with a difficult birth, more so than even I knew.

Mari went into labor Sunday night and I was texting back and forth with Bibber all evening.  Around midnight Mari started to push and just 10 minutes later I got a text that they were "taking a break."  PANIC.  I just knew something had to be wrong.  I started frantically texting Bibber and when I found out the baby's heart rate had dropped, I was ready to head to the hospital in my pajamas.  Crazy, right?  But apparently that's how deep the scars are.

As it turned out Parker was born around 2a.m. and is just fine.  He's beautiful.

 2015 will bring many births to our family and circle of friends.  Our best friends are due within the month and our we will find out the gender of our sweet niece or nephew "baby Sparky" next weekend.  He or she will make his or her arrival in June.  Another good friend is due in August.  I'm hoping to work on my birthing issues as this year unfolds.  I'm hoping, but I'm not hopeful!  We all have quirks, this is apparently one of mine ;) 

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