Sunday, March 1, 2009


Brian has become so mobile lately that we decided it was best to go ahead and lower his crib. I just know if we hadn't he'd have been climbing or jumping out when I least expected it. I'm still not convinced that won't happen eventually, but at least for now, I feel a bit more secure. I didn't realize how different the crib would look once lowered. My poor baby looks like he's in a jail cell! He doesn't seem to mind a bit; and he very much enjoys being able to stand up in his newly lowered crib and chew on the side of it.

1 comment:

Whit Scheff said...

He is always so nice to the camera. Anyway, I forget how to change the layout of my blog. I wish I could put pictures within the posts like you do, but I don't know if I can with my specific template. Let me know! I have literally tried every setting!