Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Physical Therapy

Brian has made quite a bit of progress with his torticollis! Today, Elizabeth, the PT, was extremely impressed with both his turning radius and the improvement he's showing with the head tilt. He is able to turn fully in all positions now, although he still wants to bring his shoulder forward a bit when he's sitting up. And, his tilt rarely even surfaces except when he's tired. This is especially impressive given his new skill (crawling) because typically kids who have this issue, revert to titling when they are learning something new.

She dropped him down to 2 sets of stretches a day (down from 5) and we just have to keep working on his tilt exercises as much as possible until our next session in 2 weeks. Elizabeth said that if he's still looking this good next time, we will start meeting every 4 weeks!!

On a side note, Elizabeth taught Brian to go from a crawling position to a sitting position in about 10 minutes today. She wanted him to learn this skill because it forces him to use his neck muscles to keep his head up while transitioning. I was amazed that he picked it up so fast. He is getting so mobile! His crawling has gotten faster and a bit more agile, and he's getting braver with it. He's attempting longer distances, and trying like crazy to pull up on things when he reaches them. I know I will probably hate it in a few weeks when I can't keep up with him, but it's so awesome to see him movin' and groovin'!

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