Wednesday, September 23, 2009

15 Months Old

Brian is 15 months old today! He continues to amaze us with his ever increasing vocabulary. He knows almost all of the words to "Moo, Baa, La, La, La," says "book" "fish," and "no" with consistency. He tells the dog to "sit," which should not be confused with his favorite phrase, "oh shit." Oh yes, he says it. He recognizes virtually everyone he sees on a regular basis and knows the names of a lucky few-mom and dad, of course, Nana, Alex and Jeff (as in Father Jeff). How cool is it that my kid knows a priest that well? He was extremely upset with me on Sunday when I would not allow him to join Father on the altar.

He comprehends lengthy commands like, "Brian, get Ruben a bone, take it to him and leave it in his bed." He actually does this for me every time we leave the house. Too cute! Another beloved command is, "Brian, it's bath time." He actually makes the trek to the bathroom, puts his toys in the tub, TURNS IT ON, and occasionally sticks the temperature tester under the faucet as if he can read what it says!

Yesterday he got his THIRD haircut! This time, however, he actually sat in the booster seat in the barber chair instead of Mommy holding him. He sat so still and behaved so well. Becki couldn't believe how great he did. Such a big boy!

He's walking and climbing like a pro. He continues his quest to empty every drawer and cabinet in the house, but now he will put things back from time to time when encouraged to do so. He LOVES waving bye-bye out the window to anyone who leaves our house!

He still loves to "read" and be read to. He knows his favorites and can tell them apart. Some of these books include songs and he starts humming when he sees the covers! He also does the motions that I always do while reading certain books right along with me now.

Can you tell I'm a proud mama? Sorry! It's true though, he's just a wonderful little boy and I'm very, very proud :)

To view Brian's pictures from his 14th month click here.

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