Friday, April 23, 2010

22 months old

Yep, that's right. My baby boy is another month closer to being TWO. And boy is he letting the terribles out early on occasion. He absolute favorite word right now is NO. And boy does he mean it. The mommy clinginess has also reached an all time high. He refuses to sit in his booster seat at night when it's time for his cereal. Why? Because he wants mommy to hold him. Why? Because after cereal, Daddy puts him to bed and if Mommy is already holding him it's hard for Daddy to take him away. And bossy! The child is bossy! I just love hearing him yell, "MOM," which is what he calls me when he is demanding something. And you should see him trying to push me or Shawn toward things he wants or places he wants to go. And last night he was very clear when he informed me that he would "WALK" out of the restaurant on his own two feet. Oh boy, I am not all that excited about this TWO thing.

Don't get me wrong, he's still as cute as a button most of the time. He cracks us up about 400 times a day with his silliness. He gives the sweetest kisses-often and in mass quantity. He thinks it's hilarious to "tickle" people. He talks. A LOT. He's becoming quite the little athlete. He loves to be outside and would stay outside all. the. time. if we would let him. He's just loving the warm weather and who can blame him? He counts...sometimes to 5, but usually to 3. He really gets counting too. He associates the words with objects. He even uses his counting works correctly. When you ask him if he's one, he shouts, "TWO!" There is one word he's used a lot lately and not always correctly. "Stuck." He always stuck somewhere...usually in his booster seat or car seat. We keep trying to explain that he's not really stuck because we strap him in intentionally, but he's not really one for logic.

Let's see, what else is endearing about Mr. Brian at the moment? He sings. A LOT. He takes quite a bit of liberty with his songs, changing the melodies and notes kind of like a jazz musician would. He spins, too. He learned this at preschool. The 3 year olds think it's a riot to chase each other round and round in a circle. Since Brian is an only child, he has adapted this game. He runs in a circle on his own. Until he falls down. Then he gets back up and goes in the other direction. Silly boy.

Did I mention that he will be TWO soon? How did THAT happen?

Anyway, here are the 21 month old pictures.

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