Monday, May 14, 2012

Preschool Pet Show

Two Fridays ago we were invited to attend the pet show at Brian's school.  Each child was asked to bring a stuffed animal to school on Thursday so that they could practice for this event.  Brian chose a kangaroo on his own.  I was really proud of him.  He named it himself, "Baby Kangaroo," and was able to tell anyone who asked about it, that it jumped.  This may not seem like a big deal, but if you look at where Brian was and where he is now, it was a very big deal!

The night of the pet show I was more than a little nervous about how it would go.  Just the night before Brian had pulled his pants down to pee in the middle of his soccer practice.  Things like this-where is the center of attention-don't always go well for him.

I am happy to report that it could not have gone better.  He sat with the family when he was supposed to sit.  He marched in the "pet parade."  He stood on the platform and proudly accepted Baby Kangaroo's award for "best jumper."  He did all of the activities without being crazy or arguing.  It. Was. Amazing.

Remember all of my fears about preschool, particularly public preschool?  I could not have been more wrong.

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