Thursday, July 12, 2012

One Year

My sweet baby Lilah,

Today, you are one.  In reality one year is such a short time, but it’s hard to remember what life was like without you. 

Your sweet smile, blue eyes, larger than life dimples and fire cracker red hair (and temper) have completed our family.  Your little evil laugh cracks everyone up and your fearless attitude keeps us all on edge. 

Brian is a different boy than he was a year ago.  And that has a lot do with you.  He is such a great big brother to you.  He can be a little too rough at times, but he loves you deeply.  And boy do you love him too.  I remember being so afraid of what my love for you would do to my relationship with him.  A stranger told me that it would all work out.  She said, “you love your kids, and they love each other, that’s just how it works.”  She was so right.

You really are a sweet little girl.  You love to laugh and to make others laugh.  You are silly.  You love to cuddle.  You are incredibly independent.  And you certainly have a mind of your own.

You get around just fine even though you aren’t quite walking yet.  You eat well…everything we put in front of you.  You can say mama, dada, buba, (sign and say) more, (wave and say) bye bye, nana, and p-p-p for pappy…we’re working on that.  You are still nursing, but it’s getting to be less and less frequent.  You are a wonderful sleeper most of the time.  You sleep from 9 or 10 until 9 or 10 the next morning with a break around 6:30 or 7 for nursing most nights.  That’s pretty great compared to what your big brother used to do!

I love that you gave up baby food before your first birthday.  You just decided last week you were over it.  And that was that. And you sign more for food.  Constantly.  Especially at Kroger when you see food you recognize! You are such a little eater.

I also love that you love baby dolls.  You smile from ear to ear when you see one of your babies.  You are already a little mommy! 

I love that you splash like crazy and dive into the water like a fish.  You are quite the little swimmer and you are completely unafraid. 

I also love that you mimic the things that we do just to get a laugh.  Right now your favorite is, “go bananas.”  Lord it’s cute!    

You are our little Lu Lu baby.  It’s been so fun to watch you grow these past 12 months.  I can’t wait to see what’s to come!


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