Saturday, November 9, 2013

Halloween 2013

I feel like we spent all of October preparing for Halloween only to celebrate it into November.  The weather here was a lacking on the 31st, and having listened to the weather reporters, we made the call early in the morning to do our "real" trick-or-treat on Friday at the golf course community where my dad, brother and SIL belong. 

Since the kids were so excited about the holiday, and picked their costumes very early in the month, it was a real bummer to have to put it off until the day after.  They handled it pretty well though and since the weather was slightly better than predicted (at least for the first 45 minutes of trick-or-treat), we did make it to a few houses in our neighborhood before the rain really started coming down.  The kids enjoyed giving out treats almost as much as they enjoyed getting them anyway!

Besties for life.  They have no choice :)

Sweet cousins :)

This is the only picture that shows how genuinely excited he was for this holiday!

The Minnie witch hats Aunt Teri made!

Lilah's friend Bob was Mickey!

Much to my surprise and happiness, Brian and Lilah have jumped right into the preparations for Thanksgiving-my favorite holiday.  I was worried that because it doesn't involve presents, fireworks, candy or costumes, it might not have the same appeal.  They have been great though.  They helped Shawn take down the Halloween decorations and helped me put up the Thanksgiving decorations.  Then they went to Nana's and asked her where her Thanksgiving decorations were!  They are funny!  They have learned a few turkey songs and have been signing them regularly.  I have a feeling Lilah will make an appearance in the preschool Thanksgiving Dinner performance.  She thinks she is in the 3 year old class so I don't see them being allowed to perform without her.  Brian has been all excited to tell me about the pilgrims this week.  He came home one day and said, "Mom, they had a BAD king!  He wouldn't let them pray!"  Love that boy!  Shawn went to Plymouth last year on business so Brian was excited to wear his Mayflower shirt to school and show off the pictures his Daddy took on his trip. 

Can't believe it's already November 9th!  It will be 2014 before we know it.

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