Sunday, March 9, 2014

Disney-Meeting the Characters

I have decided to break our Disney Trip up into different posts because we have about 500 pictures and it's really the only way I can figure out to document it!  Don't worry, even with several posts, I won't be posting all 500 pictures!

For our kids, one of the most important elements of Disney was meeting the characters.  Brian is very into Pixar, so he was excited to meet the Cars and Toy Story characters!  Both kids loved meeting the stars of their favorite Disney Junior shows and Lilah was determined to meet Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck.

Lilah was NOT a fan of the princesses (which is FINE BY ME!) except for Sophia the First.  I think it had a lot to do with the full costume that Sophia wore versus the princesses who were real people all made up to look like the characters.  Cinderella was a huge bomb.  Lilah spent most of our character dining experience with her under the table.  Although I was a huge fan of the food at Park Fare-especially the strawberry soup!

Brian took awhile to warm up to the characters, especially Jake, but overall they both did really well with most of the characters.  They loved getting autographs in their books Jon and Teri purchased for them!  The books they bought were especially great because they have a sleeve for a picture next to each signature!  Perfect for our little guys who can't quite read the signatures.

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