Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lilah Turns Four

True confession.  I have had trouble sitting down to write this post.  We've had some pretty major potty issues with Lilah since April and I was basically at my boiling point right around the time she turned four.  (We're talking we may as well have been living with a feral cat.)  We have finally gotten in with a urologist and after months of blaming myself, blaming Shawn, Shawn blaming me, trying rewards, trying punishment and throwing our hands up in the air, Lilah has been put on medication for bladder spasms.  We're not 100% back to our potty trained big girl yet BUT I finally feel like we are heading there which means I finally feel like I can just ENJOY my girl again.  Finally.

Dear Lilah,

You are FOUR!  What?!!  You are still my baby so how is that so?  I realize you DO NOT like to be called my baby, but realistically, you will always be our baby.  Ha! 

You will begin your LAST year at mommy's preschool in the fall!  You already know all of your letters and many of your sounds, so preschool should be a breeze for you.  We even started on your learning to read lessons this past week. I feel certain you'll be reading well before the end of the year!  You're a smart cookie.  The urologist even said how "bright" you were last week!

Lilah girl, you kill me with how quickly you can turn a sweet and tender moment into one where I am laughing so hard I think I might pee my pants or one where I am quite certain I should put you in time out, but don't have the heart.  You are so, so funny.  You can be so, so sweet...when you want to be.  You can be so, SO stubborn.  You are just so fun!

You love to play pretend.  EVERYTHING has a storyline and there is almost always a mommy and a sweetie or sweetheart involved.  Most of your story lines revolve around our day to day activities.  I know full well when I'm working too much when I hear the mommy you are playing with tell the sweetie that they can't go to the park (or insert whatever place you come up with) because the mommy has a meeting!  When I play with you, you are always the mommy and I always have to be the sweetie.  I also love how you will show me two dolls (or stuffed animals, or whatever) and said, "Mommy you can pick whichever one you want to be," only to rescind the offer when I pick the one you want ;)  You are something little one.

You absolutely ADORE your big brother and lucky for you he loves you just as much right back.  I keep waiting for your AMAZING relationship to change, but so far we've been lucky and blessed and I hope that continues forever.

At four you are still an awesome eater.  You love veggies and fruits and will try most anything.  You are on a jelly sandwich kick at the moment, but as long as you pair it with cucumbers, grapes, yogurt, etc., I think that's okay.

You love playing with your friends, especially Amelia.  We can't go two days without you asking about her.  I love how close you girls are!  You don't really have a I'm glad you've become the best of friends.  You also love playing with your cousins and ask me if they can come over regularly.  It's great to have family who are also your friends and I love that you have that.  I can't wait to see your relationship with your new cousin, Patrick, blossom as he gets older and is more able to interact with you.  You already say you miss him almost every day that we don't see him!

You are still very brave, little girl, which sometimes scares Mommy.  I say all the time that you have the confidence as a little girl that I have as an adult.  The world had better WATCH OUT, seriously, when you grow up!

You my sweet girl are a little beauty.  It's not often that we go out and you don't get noticed.  Your smile lights up a room.  Your bright blue eyes, perfect red curls and adorable dimples are hard to miss!  I want you to know that you are beautiful, always, but I want to to also know that you are SO MUCH MORE than beautiful on the outside.  I hope you know that, and I hope you always do.

Happy 4th Birthday, sweet girl!  Mommy loves you!

1 comment:

Pocket said...

Happy Birthday, Lilah!!! Sylvia said she saw Lilah last week at Smale park! Hope you guys are having a great summer! Margot is also a jelly sandwich fanatic, so I'm glad that's normal. Enjoy the rest of JULY!! Yikes, where does the time go??