Sunday, October 4, 2015

How to start again?

I haven't blogged since July.  First it was just plain being busy that kept me from it.  I attended the funeral of a classmate last year and one of the things I took away was something he had written before he died about LIVING life instead of writing about it.  It struck a chord and I've tried to embrace that.  However, this blog is a great tool for keeping my memories alive and will someday be a great place for my kids to read about their lives while they were growing up.  And I really want to continue that for them. 

Then, and I've talked about this before on the blog, the guilt settles in.  I get SO far behind that I feel guilty starting in the present.  I don't want to miss blogging about the kids' birthday parties, or our awesome trip to Chicago, or our celebration of my cousin Chris' graduation, or our lazy days at the pool, or our trips to the banks and the Reds games, or Brian's first day of CATHOLIC school, or Lilah's first day of preschool...

Or my Dad.

My Dad died in August very suddenly.  It's still completely incomprehensible to me that it happened.  And I feel like if I go back and time and write about all the fun stuff it's somehow wrong because I'm just not ready to blog about loosing my Dad, but it seems dishonorable not to put that first and foremost. 

And there has been fun stuff and important stuff since he died.  The RenFest, Lilah's first soccer game, tons of updates about Brian and his new school and new friends, our last Reds game as season ticket holders, the unveiling of a Memorial in Dad's honor....and even some great cousin and family pics that were taken when we were all together for the funeral. 

So what's a girl to do?  Sit here and write this post about all the things I want to blog about I guess?  And then start picking through the massive file of folders little by little.  And eventually, because eventually, I do intend to get there....eventually, I'll write about Dad.

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