Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tubes Update

Brian's tube surgery has been scheduled. He will have the procedure on Tuesday at 10:30a.m. He has a pre-op physical on Monday at 3:30p.m. We decided to take the first available date. We just weren't comfortable with any chance of a language delay due to the fluid and wanted it resolved ASAP. Your prayers would be appreciated :) Even though it's a simple procedure, it's still surgery and they still have to put him out for a bit. Hopefully we will have no issues, the tubes will start doing their job and Brian Thomas will get some relief!

1 comment:

Whit Scheff said...

HEYYY He'll be alright, he has always been a trooper, has he not? I can't wait to see you guys next weekend! We can celebrate birthdays together love of my life. Miss you! I will be praying, of course.