Saturday, December 12, 2009

Childproof my As*

There is not a bottle on this planet that is childproof enough for my child. Not a one.

Tonight, my 17 month old managed to do the following in about 2 minutes time:

1. Remove his baby ibuprofen from my nightstand (where I had left it the other night when his fever reached 103).
2. Locate a measuring cup and a measuring spoon.
3. OPEN the "childproof" cap on the ibuprofen.
4. Find a cozy spot in our hallway.
5. Pour himself a measuring cup full of liquid ibuprofen (without spilling a drop, I might add).
6. Use the measuring spoon to give himself a dose.

Lovely. Bad parenting? Probably. False advertising? Absolutely.

Nothing is safe from my little monster! Now, you are probably wondering whether or not this little dose of meds affected Brian Thomas. I assure you he did not ingest enough to harm him. However, childproof? My as*!

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