Sunday, May 23, 2010

Going on a Monkey Hunt

To say that Brian likes monkeys is a huge understatement at the moment. He's kind of obsessed. He insists on watching video from the zoo of monkeys whenever he sees us get out a laptop or Shawn's I-Pad Touch. "Curious George" is the show of choice, too. The little man does not understand at all why George is not in every single scene. He howls in protest when George is not present on screen.

So, we decided today to go where the monkeys are. The zoo. We found a few... "Big monkeys," "water monkeys," and even some "baby monkeys." Brian calls the macaque's "water monkeys" because their particular habitat is surrounded by water at our zoo. Also, in case you were wondering, in his world lemurs and gorillas also qualify as monkeys. (YES, Auntie Lauren, I know the difference and will teach my child the real names when he is old enough to understand. Unlike some others who call the tigers LIONS!!)

Here are some pictures from our visit.

Brian seemed a bit confused by the idea that the monkeys were not on a computer screen. And, it took quite a bit of convincing each time we left one exhibit to look for "new monkeys." He was pretty excited about the monkeys overall though!

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