Thursday, July 22, 2010

For Me

I started this blog as a means to disseminate information about Brian's medical progress. I found that with all of the appointments we had during his first year, it was hard to make sure and tell every single person the exact same thing because the further away we would get from the river, the more I would forget or confuse! Plus, as much as I love my friends and family, it was taxing calling every single person each time we left an appointment to give updates. So, this became a good way to share the information. Everyone could read it at the time same and Shawn or my Mom (whomever had joined me at the appointment) could double check the information I was posting to make sure I was sharing it accurately.

However, as his medical appointments have dwindled, (THANK GOD!!!) the blog has become more of a record, or journal of his childhood. I love that I get to share things with my friends and family, but often I post things for myself. I want to make sure I remember little moments and silly things that he did. He changes so quickly and it's easy to forget those things.

So, this post is one of those "for me" posts.

I just had to get pictures of him eating pizza. It's hysterical and I never want to forget this particular stage where he is so lacking in social grace. The child inhales pizza, from the top down. He literally smashes it into his face. He eats the cheese first, then actually SUCKS off the sauce. Think MAJOR slurping noises. And sometimes, if he's in the mood, he eats a little crust. We're talking pizza sauce up the nose and it's down right entertaining to watch.

Thus, even though I know I am posting this "for me," I am sure you will also be entertained by the following series of photos.

1 comment:

Jon Aydt said...

I know someone else that used to eat the cheese first, or maybe you still do I have not paid attention to your eating habits lately :-)