Thursday, January 20, 2011

Not Gonna

This was written in December after a pretty emotional visit to my doctor. I have not been a fan of the new office yet. I am waiting to be impressed.

I'm not gonna do it again. I am not going to push the new baby out. They can't make me. Why take the risk? I don't want another year like my first year as a mommy. I don't want the new baby to spend his or her first year at Children's.

They "will consider a c-section." Well I have news for them. They don't know who they are messing with. Good luck getting this baby out any other way.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

C-sections have risks sure. But those are normal risks. Infection. Healing time is worse. Supposedly. Could my healing time really be worse than last time? I was sure I was going to have to bail out of my own brother's wedding. That's how much pain I was in. And that's how long it took to heal. So, really? A worse healing time? Somehow I don't think so.

The risks of pushing the baby out...

Forceps. Cephalohematoma. Plagiocephaly. Cranial Molding Cap. Permanent Hearing Loss. Abscess in an unmentionable place.

No thank you.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

*Updated...Shawn says I am being ridiculous and that I should just make it very clear that I want a c-section. He said we're not doing the whole "not pushing thing." It's not getting that far. So at my last appointment I made it pretty clear. I told the doctor to put it in her little computer that it's not up for discussion. I am having a c-section. End of story.

1 comment:

Kaycie Christine said...

Relatively new to blogging. Yours caught my interest. Certainly wishing you the best with this new blessing! Congratulations!