Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"I Sit in Time Out"

Brian is sick. Again.

Last night we got home from dinner and he was on fire. Temp of 102.6. It was still in the 102 range at 2a.m. when he and Shawn woke me up. Brian was crying because he had fallen. When I asked him what was wrong he moaned, "I hurt my nooooooooooose!" Oh my.

He went the the potty and stripped from the waist down. Shawn was struggling to get him to put on a new sleep diaper. He wanted to get dressed. He kept saying, "I wake up." Um no, little man it's 2a.m. So I finally convinced him to wear the diaper with underwear over top of it. I tried to put his pajama pants back on him and he said no, ran to the closet and grabbed a pair of pants. Fine, I don't care what you sleep in as long as you sleep!

Of course Lilah was wide away during all of this ready to party!

He still didn't want to go back to bed, so he went over to his time out bench and cleared off all the books sitting on it. Then he had a seat. When we suggested he go back to bed, he said, "No, I sit in time out." Are you kidding me? He would rather sit in time out than sleep?! Crazy kid.

Temp was still 101 when he woke up this morning. It's down now. Heading back to the doctor at 2p.m. to make sure it's just a virus. So over this!

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