Sunday, January 11, 2009

Old Wives Tale

Have you ever heard that feeding a baby some cereal before bedtime will make him sleep through the night? I have, countless times, and for some reason I let my doctor convince me that it's just an "old wives tale." I'm here to tell you-it's not! Brian has been really struggling with sleeping at night. Before teething took over our lives, he was getting up one time each night-around 4:30 to eat, and then sleeping again until 8ish. I thought that was pretty good considering his age and size. However, once teething came along, our nights have been anything but silent. He would be up at midnight, 1, get the idea.

So I took my Mom's advice and tried giving him cereal Thursday night. He slept until 3:45, ate, and then went back to bed until 9. I was still suspicious, could have been a fluke, so we did it again on Friday. He slept 12 hours! Now, it turns out he had a slight fever, probably from the teething, that I'm sure helped induce this comatose like sleep, but I won't say I minded the long, long sleep I was permitted to enjoy! Last night wasn't so great. I think he slept too much during the day on Saturday (again due to the fever) to be able to lay down for a long time during the night, but I guarantee you we will be giving him cereal again tonight and hoping it will work it's magic once again!

Did I mention that I hate to be wrong? This time though, I must say I'm okay with it!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I thought this was going to be about cats sucking baby's breath. ;)