Monday, January 26, 2009

PT and Flu Shot

Today was Brian's physical therapy evaluation at Children's in Northern Kentucky. Shawn got to go since he had taken the day off tonight. We met with a PT named Elizabeth Oliverio. She was very nice and young, and Brian liked her a lot. This is not unusual, of course, since he tends to like everyone!

It turns out that Brian has torticollis, which means his neck muscles are tight on one side (in his case the right side). This is correctable with physical therapy. She gave us 2 exercises to do with him 4-5 times daily and we have to hold him in a specific way to make him use his neck muscles in a way that will strengthen them. We will go back to Children's to see Elizabeth bi-weekly until he's "cured." Mostly this is on us to correct at home. She will just be checking in to make sure it's working and to adapt the exercises as necessary.

After the PT appointment we ran across the street to Dr. Price's office and Brian got his booster flu shot. He was asleep in the waiting room, and woke up when we put him down on the table for his shot. He didn't even notice that the shot went it and actually SMILED at the nurse when she was putting the bandaid on. She said that NEVER happens! He has such a wonderful disposition :)

He's napping now, and gets to enjoy an appointment free day tomorrow. So we will wait for 2009 blizzard that's supposed to arrive tonight and with any luck enjoy a snow day tomorrow!

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