Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Quick Update

Just a few updates...

* Brian has finished his antibiotic and is still tugging at both ears. He's more like himself though. Things actually got worse before they got better. He had two MAJOR screaming tantrums mid week...grabbed his ears and fell to the floor. Poor little man. I called the ENT the next morning and the nurse said to start motrin 2-3 times a day. That gave him great relief. He started napping and eating again! But he's still tugging at those ears. I am going to call the ENT on Monday. I am thinking maybe 4 more weeks is a bit too long to wait to decide about tubes and adenoids.

*Had a visit with the OB on Friday. We got to hear baby Elmo's heart rate again. It was between 140 and 145. We find out the gender on March 1st!!! I am feeling movement when I am really still, but not all the time yet. I have gained about 7 pounds, which is pretty much on track. We took a 16.5 week belly pic, but it's still on my camera.

*Brian "spilled" a sprite on my laptop. The keyboard is shot. The new one will be here Monday. I am typing this on my mom's laptop. We are staying at my parents' house tonight because...

*Our wonderful friends and family (and my mom's wonderful friends) came over last night and today for a painting party. Our kitchen, hall, and master bedroom are now "neutral." Our house looks like we don't live there. All of my collectibles are boxed up, all pictures of Brian are down and the colors on the walls are totally not ones we would pick. BUT we are getting much closer to having the house ready to put back on the market. There are still some things on the list that were suggested by the realtor, but we're getting there!

And because of the painting party I am totally exhausted. Good night!

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