Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Baby Giraffe

We woke up excited today. The weather is holding strong in the mid 60s and today was the day we were finally going to get to see the baby giraffe at the zoo! It's a little over a week old and we have been waiting for a good opportunity to get over there and welcome that sweet little baby. Remember, little is relative. She is actually 6 feet tall and 125 pounds-yikes! Brian was very excited to see that I was even wearing my giraffe socks for the occasion.

We tried to see her first thing, but she was being shy, so we went to see...what else?...monkeys for awhile before we doubled back to Giraffe Ridge. She was worth the wait!! So, so cute! And, a lady was there taping for NPR and she recorded me telling Brian all about the new baby giraffe (with some prompting for her on what to add -ha ha!) So I might be on NPR sounding like a big dork. "Brian look at her spots, do you see her spots? Isn't she cute?!" Oh my...

Anyway, she is inside for now, so the pictures aren't the greatest, but she is still so, so cute!!

The new solar canopies over the parking lot. Too cool!

It is Zoo Blooms right now at the zoo-totally beautiful! Thanks to Shannon for
taking these great photos and me and (both!) kiddos!

The traditional Brian and a monkey shot. Gotta have one!
And the new baby!!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Matt says the giraffe needs a treadmill. Have you seen that commercial?
Thanks for letting me tag along today.