Friday, April 8, 2011

Wow, What a Week!

Sunday started with me finally "catching" Brian's bug. I knew I had it all weekend. You don't get puked on twice and not get the bug. I was soooo sick. Shawn even took off work on Monday to take care of Brian since I couldn't.

So you know what happens next. Shawn got the bug on Monday night. And he was home sick Tuesday. Wednesday he worked from home.

Thursday we had another house showing. We both went to work and I took Ruben to Barb's house. Before I left he had peed three times. Once in a potted plant. Like he actually jumped into the plant, hiked his leg and peed on it. Now that's talent, folks.

Somewhere in this crazy week Brian flushed a Thomas train down the toilet. I swear we have had a huge discussion about this before. He even learned to say, "No choo-choos in the water" at a very young age. Apparently that didn't sink in. The train did sink though. Almost all the way to the pipes. Thankfully the plumber got it out before that happened. Apparently that would have involved cutting into pipes and possibly walls. Not the thing we need with the house for sale.

I guess this comes with potty training. We taught him to flush the damn thing, so now he has to practice, right?

Speaking of potty's still going well. He woke up dry again today! We had a minor accident at school, but it was very small and he caught himself. Otherwise, no accidents today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

~*Smiles*~... my husband was happy for the last one potty training (Buying in bulk at Costco, Huggies, was running $60-$70 every 2 weeks)... but I'll admit... I miss him being in diapers, and needing me... now he's "not a baby" anymore, and reminds me of the fact since about a week before his BDay