Monday, April 16, 2012

Lilah, 9 Months

Well, Miss Lilah, it happened. You turned 9 months old. Now all I can think about is that first birthday looming just around the corner.

This month brought lots of changes. You are completely mobile now. You crawl anywhere you want to go. You pull up on everything. You cruise. You have two precious little teeth!You have surpassed the meats in 2nd foods and we are onto 3rd foods. You will literally eat anything. You really love Gerber puffs and little chunks of real bananas! You are a bit confused by the chunks in 3rd foods, but I think you will get it soon enough.

You are babbling ma ma ma and nana nana nana quite a bit. Please start with the da da das soon! Your Daddy is dying to hear it.

I call you "the beast" because you are into everything! You have no regard for your own personal safety or the organization of anything you wish to tear apart. You are still kinda sensitive though and can definitely turn on the tears. You are well aware that if you cry while Brian is near you, you get picked up and he gets in trouble. You still love that boy so much though! I love to listen to the two of you blowing raspberries at one another and crack yourselves up.

We still get stopped everywhere we go with you. You have picked up on this too and get quite offended if people don't notice you. I keep telling you that not everyone is programmed to pay sole attention to you, but you just don't understand!

You are growing like a weed! It's funny because you are big according to percentiles, but people often think you are younger than you are because you still have very little hair. It's coming along, but very slowly!! You even graduated to your big girl car seat last week. No more infant carrier!

Your 9 months stats are as follows:

Weight: 20 lbs 3.8 oz (75th percentile)
Height: 28.5 inches (85th percentile)
Head: 17 inches according to new nurse, I remeasured and got 18 we'll go with 18!

And your monthly chair pic...

And a little bonus. The teaser pics from your 9 month shoot last night!!

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Ummm how adorable is that pic of Lilah in the heels!?!?! And my goodness, whose heels are those anyway? I cannot for the life of me picture you wearing those but maybe I don't know you as well as I thought I did :)