Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013

On somewhat short notice, we agreed to celebrate Easter at our house this year.  We held our party on Saturday because our "nephew" Gavin was scheduled to be with his Dad on Sunday.  There was some frantic cleaning and some tense moments, but we pulled it together and had a really nice day.  We were very blessed with absolutely gorgeous weather!  The kids wore themselves out playing outside.  We had a yummy meal and a super fun Easter egg hunt! 

Our two hunting for eggs...

The best part of the day was the kids though.  Brian was sooo excited that his cousins were coming to his house!  The kids play so well together and really enjoy their time with one another. 

Brian, Jade, Lilah, Junior and Gavin

Brian, Jade, Lilah, Junior
Jade, Lilah, Junior, and Brian

And then we got a little silly!

They crack each other up!

The girls!

Two sweet boys!

My sweet babies.
Me and my girl.  

After the party we headed to the Easter Vigil where Uncle Billy became Catholic!!  Thanks to Auntie LaLa and Darrick for watching Brian...he had a blast!  Miss Lilah did beautifully at the very long, ver late Mass.  She conked out about half way through and slept until Sunday morning.

On Sunday we did baskets in the morning, went to brunch with Nana and Pappy, visited with Nanny and had another egg hunt at Nana and Pappy's !

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