Sunday, February 8, 2009

Big Weekend!

We had a big weekend at the Borchardt house. Not really, but I'm exhausted and it sure feels like it. Let's start with Saturday morning...

All three Borchardt's got up early because Brian and I were meeting a friend at First Watch for breakfast. Brian and I got ready and were out the door before 9a.m. We waited at First Watch for about 15 minutes before calling said friend to see if she was going to make it. I knew she had been through a really tough week, and figured she might have forgotten. She had. She felt SO bad about it, but it was really no big deal. These things happen :) Anyway, we hope to see her soon.

I intended to just leave a small tip for my water and the server's wasted time, but decided to call Shawn and see if he wanted to join us. Turns out, he did! So, Brian and I waited about 10 minutes for Daddy to arrive and in that 10 minutes Brian's mood turned from cheerful and fun to cranky and NO FUN AT ALL! By the time Shawn arrived, I was stressed and Brian was far from his happy, normal self. I took Brian to the ladies room to feed him while Shawn ordered thinking a full belly might change his mood. No dice. I ended up back in the ladies room with Brian after a quick trip out to the table to tell Shawn to go ahead and eat without me. The only time Brian didn't cry during the next 20 minutes was when I let him play in the water faucet!

Shawn finished his meal and then ended up taking Brian on home while I ate my breakfast alone. Kind of a bummer, but honestly after enduring a crying baby for 45 minutes, it was nice to be on my own! Shawn told me later that he cried all the way home and once home calmed down considerably. Once he was calm, Brian let out a big belch and quickly fell asleep. THANK GOD! By the way, when he woke up, he was back to his normal, happy self! Oh, and the waitress got a $10 tip for putting up with us!

Sometime after the breakfast ordeal, Shawn decided we needed to overhaul the house. Yes, I repeat, Shawn decided we needed to clean! Brian has taken over our hearts, but in addition to that, he's taken over our house as well. We had boxes of his old toys and clothes overflowing from his closet, and the rest of the house was full of piles of paper and other junk that needed to be gone through. Our pantry was a wreck (we just kept pushing things deeper to fit the new things-like baby food) and our fridge wasn't much better! So, we called in Nana Rosana to take Brian Thomas out for awhile and we decluttered our home. It looks much better now! Today I even managed to mop the kitchen, hallway and front room AND vacuum all carpeted areas so that the grime and muck from our recent snow storms are no longer plaguing my floors!

Saturday night the big weekend continued. We met up with Nana, Pappy and Brian at Panera for dinner. Kate Young joined us too :) After dinner we went to Borders where Brian got two books (one from Mommy and one from Kate). Then we headed over to Starbucks to meet up with the Klaenes, Jennie Cole, and the Manns. The Manns have a daughter who is about a month and half younger than Brian, the beautiful Addison Rose. Brian is already betrothed to her. Melissa and Adam got some cute pictures of the kids together, as well as one of Addison and Jennie where Jennie is wearing Brian's hat. They are posted below. Brian and Addison got along famously until Brian tried to eat her hand. He comes on a little strong ;)

Oh, and if you're wondering about the red spot on Brian's head, and the lack of a helmet, these two things go together. The spot appeared on Saturday after he had worn the helmet for 8 hours straight-the longest amount of time thus far. The instructions from the Brace Shop state that if any redness appears and sticks around for more than a half hour, the helmet should not be worn until the child is seen by the Orthotist. So, no helmet for Brian until tomorrow at 1:30. This was our regular appointment time as they want you to come back for a check 1 week after the initial fitting. So that's our adventure for tomorrow! Wish us luck :)

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Maria - glad to hear all is going well with you and your beautiful family. Brian is just adorable - we need to get together again when I'm in town sometime soon for another "playdate". Love the blog! ;)