Friday, August 7, 2009


Today we had the pleasure of dining at Pompilios with two of my high school friends, Jen and Maureen, and Maureen's new baby boy, Ben. Brian LOVED Jen! In case you don't recall, Jen is the friend whose boyfriend (I KID YOU NOT JEN I ALMOST TYPED HUSBAND JUST NOW-WOW, DON'T TELL JOSH) taught Brian to blow raspberries. I feel that Brian's assault of Jen's teeth at lunch was karma for Josh's actions :)

Isn't baby Ben SOOO cute?!

You WILL eat goldfish Jen!

1 comment:

Jen said...

LOL!!!! I love the pics! What a great lunch, and great company! Can't wait to see you all again and eat more goldfish - YUM YUM!!! Give that sweet little baby Brian a hug for me :)