Friday, August 28, 2009

Potty Training?

Two things happened this week that made me wonder if Brian is ready for potty training.

First, on Tuesday, I walked into his room and nearly stepped in a wet diaper. My initial thought was that Brian had removed it from the trashcan and placed it on the floor for me find. Wrong. It took me a few seconds to figure out where the wet diaper had come from. When I realized it had come off of my child, I was pretty amazed seeing as he was still wearing his shorts. Taking the diaper off with the clothes still that's talent!

Then on Wednesday we were at the preschool for the first 4 year old play date. At one point I realized that in the chaos of talking to the many, many parents and making sure my teachers had what they needed, I had lost my child. Good parenting...I know. I mean there were plenty of adults around, but I probably should have been keeping track of my 14 month old. Not to worry. Do you know where I found him? Toddling into the boys bathroom behind the 4 year old boys. Apparently it was time for a potty break and Brian went right along with his new friends.

I'm just saying...

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