Tuesday, March 22, 2011

23 Weeks!

It's hard to believe that I am already 23 weeks along in my pregnancy with baby Lilah!! Here is the 22.5 week shot from last week.
And here is the one from my pregnancy with Brian. I don't think my bump is that much different, but my rear sure is! I have no clue how much weight I have gained, but it doesn't look like more than what I gained the last time so I guess I am on track. It's funny because with Brian I definitely kept track, but this time I'm really not. For one thing, the scale is not out where I can see it (since our house is on the market), and for another, I think I am just more comfortable with the weight gain. I know I am eating okay and exercising as much as I can, so I am really not that worried about it. Maybe the worry will come after...

Thanks to all who have been asking how I am feeling. I really am feeling well. I'm tired, but I am constantly chasing a 2 year old so that's to be expected!

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