Friday, April 10, 2009

The Wave

Our friend Doug told Brian that he's going to get him a job in a parade to show off his incessant waving. He's right, Brian is quite good at waving. He waves at everyone, he waves to everything. Just now he waved "bye, bye" to the kitchen.

However, his attachment to "bye, bye" got us our first sentence this morning! Shawn brought Brian to me in the downstairs bathroom where I was getting ready, so he could leave for work. He put Brian down on the blanket we keep in there, but that didn't last long. As soon as Shawn was out the door Brian was crawling toward it. Luckily, Shawn was not out of earshot, because we both heard him say, "Dada, bye bye." So cute! He continued to say it for about 10 minutes after Shawn had gone, and even responded, "Bye, bye," when I asked him where Dada was. (And in case you are wondering he started saying Dada finally mid-week!!)

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