Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cute Pics

I haven't taken a lot of pictures lately, but I thought I would post a few. I'm trying to figure out how to catalog them in snap fish. I tried to upload the 23 month...or was it 24 month...I can't three different times and the site kept crashing. Too much work. And now that he's 2, it seems weird to keep doing it by month. So all of the pictures from August are in an August 2010 folder (rather than a 25 month folder and 26 month folder). But I don't like that either. We'll see. Anyway, here's a fun one from our old favorite Mexican restaurant "Rio Grande." We've found a new favorite over by Shawn's work." El Jinette." YUM. But we ate at Rio the other night anyway. And Brian was a hoot with the queso.

Then at the Bantas yesterday, Brian discovered that their ottoman is loads of fun. And an excellent hiding place. He's really into hiding lately. He thinks it's hY-sterical. I wish the first one wasn't so blurry, but it gets the point across the best.

Um, gotta love that grin, don't ya?

And finally, our first tumbling adventure from last night. This is one class Brian really likes! I was really impressed with how well he did. He was the only two year old who participated in the "tada" portion of the evening. He didn't do the lunge they were asking him to do. But, he danced his way to the square in the center of the circle, threw his hands up in the air and yelled "tada!" I can't imagine where he gets his love for attention.

Special thanks to Melissa for that last photo of Brian and Addison going across the "bridge." So fun taking classes with Addison! And isn't her leotard precious?! We decided we need to bring a photographer along to class. It's too much work to chase a 2 year old at a gymnastics facility AND take pictures!

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