Thursday, September 30, 2010


The last 24 hours have been just insane.

Yesterday was mom's birthday. She also received a pretty huge award from the Madonna Manor, the care facility where both of my grandparents spent the last years they were with us. I helped my aunt Norma sneak into town to surprise her. Fun!

I worked in the morning and on the way home received a text from a very good friend. "It's a boy!" This friend has been trying to adopt for a long time. The birth mom has until 4:30 today to change her mind. Prayers, please. Lots of prayers.

Brian was so good last night at the awards dinner! We have had a rough few days with him. Naps have been short. Sometimes non existent. My patience has been short. Sometimes non existent. Two days ago he dumped an entire pitcher of ice cold water on himself, stuck an important key in the church copier (which we had to take apart in order to retrieve the key), and managed to get himself stuck in a chair. Don't ask.

Yesterday he got a good nap. And then on the way to the dinner he dumped his entire cup of water on himself, his car seat and the diaper bag. I was pretty sure the award dinner was going to be a disaster.

BUT he rallied! He was polite. He was sweet. He was the only child there, so he relished in the attention. He listened. He sat. He whispered. He was charming. He got a little restless toward the end, but what 2 year old wouldn't after 2.5 hours. He was good.

Then this morning, more news. The father of a family I taught passed away this morning after an almost 2 year battle with brain cancer. Prayers, please. Lots of them.

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