Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Some Randomness

We've been busy! School started. I love it, but it's exhausting.

The Bengals LOST the first football game of the season on Shawn's Birthday. Total bummer.

They seemed to play better though when Brian was wearing his team helmet. He will be wearing it for the remainder of the season. At least during games.

Yesterday I caught Brian sitting in his toy bin. He's a mess.

Today we went to the ENT. No news. The right tube is still in there, but not really in. Left tube is still where it should be. No fluid. Yay! So we see the audiologist for a hearing test on November 8th. Hopefully there will still be no fluid and we will get positive results (no change).

I took a stuffed Arthur along to the appointment due to a project we are doing at school. Here is a picture of Brian poking Arthur's eye out with a tongue depressor while waiting for the doctor.

After the ENT we decided to enjoy some nice weather at the park. Brian was in a posing mood.

Well until the end. Then he decided no more pictures, please.

I love how he says, 'CHEESE" and then immediately says, "See the baby?" He's trained to look at himself on the camera preview window! Won't be long and he'll be insisting I delete pictures he doesn't like.

Speaking of his speech, it seems to be coming along. He's figured out a way few ways to get around talking from time to time. He says "Em-hem" a lot instead of actually answering. He also occasionally says "Oo-oo, ah-ah" as an answer to a question. I guess he's been watching too much "Curious George." We'll have to break those habits, or ban that monkey...one or the other. He did just run into the room earlier and very clearly say, "Mommy, do you want a popsicle," though, so I can't complain too much!

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