Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cape Trip Day 1

Well we made it Cape Girardeau! We left home at 9:30a.m. and arrived about 6p.m. Translation: what should be a 6.5 hour drive, we did in 8.5. Not bad really considering this is the LONGEST drive Brian has ever been on. He did really well. We made sure to stop a lot and let him play. We found a park at one exit and stopped at a rest area once so he could play golf. We played lots of “Curious George” and “Thomas the Tank.” Overall, he did really, really well!

We did have an incident about 45 minutes outside of Cape. All of a sudden he yelled/grunted really loud and yelled, “Poop!” Then, “Diaper!” You don’t have to tell Mom twice. She pulled over right away. I got him out and started to change the poopy diaper. There was very little poop in there, which was a little suspicious, but I kept changing him anyway. (For those of you who have not seen me change him recently, I do so while he is in the standing position.) Anyway, I was about ready to put on the new diaper and SPLAT…out of his butt fell (and I do mean fell) mass amounts of poo. Mom described it as it being like an animal in the forest that just poos and moves on. So gross! Luckily (or unluckily, not sure how to look at this one) most of it landed in his short (which were around his ankles). This resulted in the shorts having to be pitched, but at least it didn’t get everywhere else! Poor little guy L He survived though and on we went.

We surprised Archie. She had no idea we were coming and was so excited to see Brian Thomas at her front door! Brian and Andrew are getting along really well. Brian loves his big cousin and the feeling is totally mutual!

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