Sunday, June 27, 2010

Medical Update

We visited two doctors last week, and I am just now getting a chance to post about them! First up was Brian's 2 year well check up last Wednesday. No shots!! Nothing huge to report, so I'll post his stats.

Length-35 3/4 inches (85th percentile)
Weight-32 lbs (85th percentile)
Head-75-80th percentile

So he is still big and still proportionate. Dr. Price thought he looked good and from my reports is developing on track :)

On Friday, we visited the ENT. Brian's tubes are still in place, but the right one is starting to work it's way out. This isn't a huge, big deal, but will need to be monitored. Dr. Arjmand was going to wait until December to check again, but I though it would be better to check BEFORE the next hearing test, which is scheduled for November. So, we will see the ENT again in September. IF the tube has come out, and IF there is fluid again, we will have to schedule a surgery before the hearing test and have a new one put in. If the left tube is on it's way out at that time, they may go ahead and remove it and put a new one in. However, if it's not, they won't because he explained that taking it out could cause some damage to the ear drum, which we certainly do not need!

I will post the 23 month pictures as soon as I get them all uploaded to Snapfish. It takes awhile!!

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