Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Dear Brian,

You are 2 today. I can’t believe it! You have grown up so much in this past year. You are not a baby anymore. But you are still my baby. You are so tall and strong. You can run and climb. You can almost jump. You sing and dance. You count and talk. A lot. Sometimes too much. And it’s wonderful!

When you were first diagnosed with hearing loss, we were not sure if we would ever hear your sweet little voice. And we are so lucky that we do. We are so very blessed. You can even say “shh!” Ha ha audiologists!!

Brian, you have made our lives so much more full than we could have ever imagined. We love everything about you. You have so much determination and energy. Sometimes too much! And that too is wonderful. You will grow into an active and strong willed boy. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

You are sweet. You give the best hugs, kisses and cuddles. You are kind. You share. You are comfortable in any situation. You know little fear and very few strangers. You don’t “get” social norms and you don’t care. You are hysterically funny. And you know it. I love that you “get” funny.

I love to watch you read. And golf. I love the way you say “water” as if you are British. I love the way you say “monkey” and especially the way you say “me monkey” (my monkey). You really love those silly animals! I love that everything is a ball. Even olives and cherry tomatoes that you find in my salads. No big deal. I don’t like those anyway.

I have been so lucky to get to spend the almost every moment with you this past year.
I can’t wait to continue our adventures this next year. Our first trip to the beach is coming soon! More zoo trips, back to school in the fall, snow…

Happy Birthday, baby boy! I love you.


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