Friday, June 18, 2010

Cape Trip Day 5

We started out our day at Tom and Anne’s where we said goodbye to all the cousins. Brian did not golf. I didn’t let him bring his clubs in. He was not happy. But I did not want him to be sweaty for the trip back. I’m a mean mama.

After, we met the Aydt gang at Panera, had lunch and said our goodbyes.

The trip back was not as peaceful as the trip to get there. Brian only napped for about an hour and he was a grump butt. We had to stop a lot and I eventually had to ride in the backseat with him to keep him calm. The Curious George books mentioned in Day 4 were a HUGE help. Thanks, Beth!

Beth also got Brian a Curious George stuffed animal. I NEVER thought Brian would have a lovey. He never cared for stuffed animals. However, the “monkey” is now his lovey. And a small monkey that mom bought him at Cheesecake Factory a few weeks back. It’s name is “baby monkey.”
Since we have been home it’s been on adventure after the next. Getting a 2 year old back into a routine is a CHALLENGE. Yesterday he lost his shoe in the waterfall at the Conservatory. One of the workers graciously climbed in after it.

Brian and Max watching the shoe retrieval. When it fell in Brian said, "Mom! Shoe!"

And lunch Tuesday was a real treat. Just ask Jennie. He was literally CLIMBING over the booths. And he managed to make quite an explosion with his applesauce container.

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